Joel J. Mintzes, Retired Professor of Biological Sciences and Science Education, California State University (B.S., M.S. Illinois, Ph.D. Northwestern) is a veteran of 40 years in the college biology classroom, having served on faculties in Canada, North Carolina, and California. His widely published research focuses on conceptual development and cognitive processes in biology, and environmental education. He has served on numerous editorial boards, as co-editor of three previous volumes, and worked as Director of Research of The Private Universe Project, and Senior Researcher of the MOSART and FICCS projects at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Lead Fellow at the National Institute for Science Education (University of Wisconsin), Fulbright-Technion Fellow at the Israel Institute of Technology, Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Homi Bhaba Centre for Science Education in India, and Visiting Scholar at Providence University in Taiwan, and Beijing Normal University in the Peoples Republic of China. He was co-recipient of the Award of Merit given by the editorial board of the journal, Science Education, for his work on alternative conceptions in science.