Construction of the human knowledge highway

For each subject domain, its knowledge network takes concepts in the discipline as units and links the concepts by linking phrase. It will be in the form of a combination of concept maps and Wiki entries, reflecting not only the connections among concepts, but also the connections between concepts and the displinary big piture. The knowledge map should also include annotation of levels of each knowledge pieces. Furthermore, homework questions and porjects should also be linked to proper concepts and links of the knowledge network. Finally, the integration of knowledge networks of all disciplines will be the highway of human knowledge.

This research provides the basis for follow-up researches, and it can also directly help teachers and students to teach and learn better.

The construction of the knowledge networks can and will be done manually. After accumulating enough knowledge networoks, we will use the networks as training data to test the posibility of AI algorithms to assist manual construction of the networks. Therefore, both the task and the algorithms of the construction of knowledge networks, as well as the specification or norms of such networks, are the research tasks of this research direction.

The current plans are:

  1. Chinese characters (already basically completed, see the Chinese character meaningful learning system)
  2. English words (almost completed)
  3. Primary and secondary school mathematics (the elementary school part is done)
  4. Primary and secondary school physics
  5. Primary and secondary school Chinese language (beyond Chinese characters)
  6. Primary and secondary school history
  7. Primary and secondary school geology
  8. Elementary and secondary school information science
  9. University and above physics
  10. Systems Science
  11. Scientometrics
